Mid-Summer Updates

Mid July and Mid Summer- a pause to reflect on the last few weeks and the path forward.

I was recently asked to jury the Nazareth Center for the Art’s summer show “Art Inspired By Music”, featuring work from Lehigh Valley’s artists. It was a first for me- and I drew upon my entire art knowledge to try an narrow down the entries. I had guidance from Director Jenny Swanker to get a feel for the theme of the show. After narrowing down the work, I focused on professionalism of presentation and quality of the work- Details in presentation were make or break in some cases of the winners. I truly appreciate the artists’ work and efforts into creating and entering work- and have learned so much about the entire process front to back. It also gave me a newfound appreciation for judges at competitions- theirs is no easy task.

I have several commissions due this fall; and there are 3 upcoming shows I would be creating work for to enter. With the families schedule, I have a few days of dedicated art work time this week- it’s been nice to switch into full time artist mode mentally. There’s the business of it, which is updating this site, paying bills, doing inventory. Then there is the creation of the art- of course which is my favorite thing to do. If you seek me, you will find me in the studio.

Prayers for the rest of your summer, and looking forward to autumns’ colors to come soon.

Brenda Gadow

Artist- Lehigh Valley Based- Explorations ins Color, Light, and Place


Featured Art on Display


Entering Summer